It seems our political leadership fails to realise the significance of adhering to the universally accepted norms of conduct in a democratically governed country. It is hardly of one mind on major issues.
Criticising each other on relevant official matters in public or in the parliament where opinions and policies differ is in order, but leadership must refrain from personal attacks unless these undermine national values and degrade their collective image.
Furthermore, there is lack of realisation in the corridors of power that violating the dictates of the Constitution is undermining the system and weakening the country. Political leadership’s weak commitment to democratic values and the establishment’s involvement in politics through several coups and prolonged military rule that the country experienced have distorted the governance system with serious consequences on its overall efficiency and the socio-economic condition of the people. It is surprising that even in hindsight, there are no indications of course correction. The question arises: why is it that we do not seem to learn?
The economy too is no better. It is moving at a sluggish pace and there is need for a serious commitment to accelerate its rate of growth in line with the country’s potential. It is not comparable with neighbouring countries in South Asia and is far behind India in particular. According to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), Pakistan’s GDP growth rate in fiscal year 2024-25 is expected to be 2.4%. The ADB also indicated that Pakistan’s inflation rate in 2024 was 23.4%, placing a great burden on teeming millions.
These figures reaffirm Pakistan’s prolonged dependence on IMF and assistance from oil rich kingdoms which does not augur well. It is also doubtful if the Finance Minister’s detailed roadmap for reducing country’s dependence and reaching high income status in the foreseeable future will be realised. The government will have to intensify its efforts to face up to the challenge and develop a viable economy. At present, it is primarily engaged in routine issues and economic challenges and governance concerns have taken a secondary position. It is important for the government to focus on enhancing the quality of education and create a broad infrastructure wherein people could acquire contemporary skills and capabilities. So far, we do not see any serious effort in this direction.
The political situation is no better. With Imran Khan facing a harsh prison sentenced of 14 years in solitary confinement amid an intense pressure on his party, the opposition remains strangulated with serious consequences on democratic culture and country’s values. These shortcomings need to be addressed seriously if Pakistan were to reclaim its standing in the comity of nations.
There is not sufficient realisation that the countries that respect human rights and conform to the rule of law draw respect and improve their standing in the comity of nations. Whereas flouting these basic norms does damage the country’s image and standing. And above all what cannot be ignored is that people suffer as a consequence by not getting a fair deal. At times in Pakistan like in other countries, people often choose a government that is not necessarily of one’s liking, but this has to be accepted gracefully. For the essence of democracy is the pluralistic nature of political institutions. And if there are distortions in the election process, these have to be corrected. Denying PTI or any other party their rightful share in the parliament is a serious departure from democratic norms and is not in the interest of the country.
Corruption is another factor that distorts democracy. This aspect is very relevant in developing countries, including ours. Some candidates who are influential and are rich spend money beyond what is legally permissible, in a clandestine way, to influence people to vote in their favour. Much, however, depends on how the people react to it and the Election Commission ensures the fairness of the election process.
There has to be a serious effort by provincial and federal governments to improve the economic and security situation particularly in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan close to the Afghan border. With the Afghan Taliban leadership somewhat lax in handling TTP and other militant groups, the security situation has deteriorated.
Managing the country’s affairs, especially its economy and security, requires an acute sensitivity on the part of the leadership to the plight of the people. It also demands of the leadership to priorities correctly while dealing with multiple challenges.
A more cooperative approach with Afghanistan would go a long way in reducing threats and opening opportunities of enhanced trade and movement of people on the western border. Efforts in this direction are there but Afghanistan’s response has not been encouraging, although it is in as much in their interest as ours to improve the security situation.
There is also not sufficient realisation among the Pakistani power elite of how the disturbed security situation is adversely affecting political stability and aggravating the economic deprivation of people in border areas. It is also preventing them from fully participating in the democratic process.
These multiple challenges demand a holistic and sustained effort on the part of government to address these weaknesses. Moreover, it is important to realise that the economy of the leading powers – the United States, Western Europe, China and Russia – is largely derived from their advanced position in science and engineering. It is this lead that has opened new opportunities in several fields especially in medicine, integrated circuits and space. Pakistan’s capabilities in space and nuclear technology are commendable but there is need to focus on other critical areas as well.
As of now, we are lagging behind in most of the critical areas – be it education, politics or economy. In order to address these multiple challenges and make the most of the opportunities arising out of developments in critical fields, it is imperative for us to work seriously towards a political consensus to ensure that we as a nation succeed.
The writer is a retired lieutenant general of the Pakistan Army and a former federal secretary. He has also served as chairman of the Pakistan Ordnance Factories Board